Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow, Snow, Go away...Don't come back another day.

I used to love the snow....all warm and cozy inside.  Actually, I still like that part...the warm and cozy part, I mean.  But these last couple of years have been harder.  Kory works for a landscaping company and so when it snows, life stops as we know it, routine is completely  interrupted, and he is nose to the grindstone, er...snow...until it is all plowed.  He works insane hours, leaves in the middle of the night, comes home in the middle of the day, is exhausted and stressed, and all around very focussed on the task at hand.
Now, to give him credit, he is just doing what's in front of him.  He is focussed because he wants the job done as much as I do so life can get back to normal.
And to put perspective on my venting, I know that there are countless families out there that have routine interrupted constantly as well...daddies who are doctors or who travel a lot.  Or even families with school age kids who have been home for the last freaking month on snow days.  I get it, I'm not alone in my frustrations of "routine interrupted."  I'm just expressing the fact that I don't like it.
Now, if we want to get spiritual here, I suppose all this has a screaming meaning...."Amanda, you like to think you are in control of your environment and you aren't.  And Amanda, you like to be comfortable in your routine, and really, you can't create comfort all the time."
I know, I know....just let me complain for a minute here!
On a happier note, since it's snowed the girls and I have been busy at home creating fun.  Here's a couple of shots...

Now, I really would like to say that I am a super fun mom who takes her kids outside to play in the snow despite below freezing temperatures....buuuuuutt, I'm not.  Give me a 32 degree day and I'll think about it.  On this day, however, I literally dressed McLean in her snow stuff, brought her outside, stuck her in the snow, took a picture, and we went inside.  HA!  I wanted to get a picture of how much snow we had gotten, and it was nap time (which you do NOT mess with nap time- aka, an hour and a half of question free moments), so a quick shot and we were in.  The next shot is of the "warmer" snow day variety...nothing says a snow day like a couch fort. Notice our dog, Buck, who also thought this was a great idea.
Lastly, here is sweet Hazel and what she has been doing during the crazy snow....just being dang cute.  I mean, come on, look at that face.  Hazel's, I mean, not the guy holding her.  "The guy"
is my dad, who we lovingly call "abba" (which he will tell you means "loving father" and not "God" as you may think...though we still kinda make fun of him).  He is great with the girls and I've gotta get more pics of him with them before they are too big.

Whelp, I guess that about sums it up.  The snow is fun and all, but I am ready to have my family back to normal and life re-established. The end.

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh...hazel. i could just eat her.

    we don't go play in the snow. i let layne put his snow clothes on and shovel the back patio. i just left him out there. ha.


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