Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Love of a Mother

For the record, I am giving all who are not mothers at the moment a fair warning that the images below may be disturbing. Actually, let me rephrase that- the images below ARE disturbing.  And if you are a mom, you will laugh as you remember a similar moment with your own child (please laugh like that....this HAS happened to you too, right?!).  If you aren't a mom, you may laugh...but for a different reason.  You will be laughing in disbelief that this happened and maybe secretly wonder what it was that I did wrong to allow this terrible disgusting thing to occur.  You may also be laughing AT me- so glad that you don't have to deal with what you see below.  Whatever the laugh or small vomit in your mouth you experience, all I have to say is, yes, it was gross.

Really, these pictures speak for themselves....
and sadly enough, this is not the first time this ridiculous explosion has happened....

...and what other baby would smile through a situation like this? Although, to her credit, she obviously feels better after relieving herself...

So, obviously this was not merely a wipe down situation.  She was plopped in the tub and cleaned until she smelled like that sweet baby smell I love so much.  Smiling the whole time.
My firstborn, however, did not find the situation as fun.  She was so bothered by the mess and the fact that poop was all over her baby sister that she threw herself on the floor in tears.  I wish I had a picture of that as well, but I'm not that mean....(okay, I might be, but I just couldn't capture the moment between holding a poop covered infant). We just had to have a little conversation (again) about how everybody poops...and sometimes there are messes. 
So there you have it. A day in my world. Welcome all... more picture.
This one cracks me up because you get a great view of our dishes...which, yes, sadly look like that most days.  We don't have a dishwasher and things just get out of control too easily.  In fact, in the spirit of letting you in on my life at home, let me post two more pictures.  The dishes....the thorn in my flesh...and the babe WITH the dishes. Thankfully I had room to plop her in the sink that day.

This too shall pass.

That smile, however....I can live with that the rest of my life :).


  1. hahahahahA! oh my gross...that's never happened in this house, nope. never! ya right..pick a day.

    glad you blogged this momentous occasion. :)

  2. I feel like Hazel is trying to tell us something... like, "When life craps on you, just keep smiling!" :)

  3. Oh geeze I have sooooooo been there... I still don't see how it happens though... I'm loving your blog by the way :)

  4. haha- thanks tracy! come too can join the world of bloggy-ness. :)


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