Thursday, January 20, 2011

Meet the Fam

I realized last week that I haven't done a proper introduction of the fam...and since that is what this little bloggy-diddy is all about, you need to know them.

First up, my amazing husband, Kory.  I might have to have a whole post on "our story" sometime because it's one of those memories that I need to remember every detail as long as I live because it was so orchestrated by God.  Have you ever experienced something like that?  Where even if you tried, God was going to step in and carry out what He had going on from the beginning.  Plus, I think my girls need to hear that someday when they are allowed to get married (at like, age 37), there are men out there that will pursue them, honor them, serve them, and that truly will love Jesus more than they love you (and weird as it sounds, that is the most refreshing thing to know because it means your man is not in control, but that he has enough humility to know that there is a Creator who has orchestrated this whole sha-bang called life).
So, with that being said, I think I have just introduced Kory. A humble servant who works hard, treats me like a Queen, and loves Jesus. He is the best daddy for our girls, and he has a natural ability to connect with just about anyone's kid on the planted.  Lest you start thinking we have the perfect marriage, however, just put that little thought in your pocket.  We are normal humans with differences...just saying he is a great man.  He also has a sense of humor...

McLean is our three year old.  I know we are her parents so we are supposed to say these kind of things, but she is so freaking smart. and hilarious. and strong.  She is our first born with a capital T.  She is extroverted and laughs at herself.  She loves attention of ANY kind.  She knows her letters and their sounds and how to spell her name.  She says amazing prayers for our dinner....(hmm, another post to come)...and by amazing, I mean hilariously awesome.  She is independent and strong willed.  She loves having a baby sister, and I have to constantly stop her from trying to changer her diaper or feed her some kind of food- usually it is pretend food, however.  She has so many great qualities of a leader, and she also has the most tender heart under all of her independence.  I kid you not that she will legitimately cry super sad tears at most every PBS show that has a sad moment.  It's all you can do not to laugh, but you can't because she is seriously so sad...lot's of talking through things happens in those moments.  It's quite the mix of wonderful qualities.
She is my main reason for starting this blog.  I can't believe I haven't written down more about the things she has said, questions she has asked, or things she has put on.  I have already forgotten things that happened last week, and I hate to think those memories are in the abyss somewhere. So, I am sure many more posts will come with her face attached.  I hope you get a sense for who she is, because she is one great little gal.

Hazel is our 6 month old.  I literally feel full of joy when I even mention her name.  She has been so much fun. She is a happy baby, relaxed, laid back, and SO smiley.  Her smile fills up her whole face...I don't think I even have a good picture of it, which I need to get...but literally, as soon as she started smiling, it hasn't stopped.  She loves and is enamored with her big sister, and I can't wait to see that dynamic as time goes on. I don't have a sister, and I can't imagine the fun that awaits us (okay, drama, too).  In being our second babe, the poor girl hasn't quite gotten the one on one attention her older sister was used to.  The little peanut has yet to sit up on her own or roll over...I promise I work on it with her.  And I try to be conscious of talking to her, singing, and reading books like we did with McLean.  It's just a sad little reality that the second doesn't get the same treatment as the first.  If you don't have two kids and you swear (like me before I had her) that you won't let that happen when you have multiple will eat your words.  You'll still be a great mom, though (right?!).
Hazel is our little "toy."  We have just recently started putting her to bed at a normal bedtime for her own good...before we would just keep her up with us and "play" with her because she is just too much fun to put away.  She is pretty awesome, and if I could guarantee all of my babies to be like her, I would have tons more...I would endure the pregnancy and pain of childbirth again and again.  Yet, as I write that statement, I am brought back to reality.  But, she IS awesome.
So that is my little family.  They are my joy and I can't wait to see what's to come.
Again, sorry for the long post. But really, this is my I kind of take back that apology.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We've got a lot of catching up to do.

So, as it goes, I have been internally preparing to start this blog for months now.  Ahem, I even have a folder on my computer with "pictures to blog about."  Dorky, I know.  BUT, in the spirit of preserving the moment, they were pictures I took with the thought of "I need to remember this." catch you up on the year Speedy Gonzales-like I will  post some of my favorite pics below. Sorry in advance for the long post.

 THE SPRING...Before Hazel was born, McLean and I took some preggo pics together as a Father's day present for Kory.  McLean wasn't exactly in the best mood about it, but you'd never know.  Our cousin Joel always takes amazing pics and captures the moment beautifully.  I need to get into the habit of taking pictures with the girls more often.  It is so amazing to me that I look back on the pictures taken just 8 months ago and so much has changed. This Spring we also had a little run in with disaster.  All in one weekend Kory had stitches in his head, and McLean broke her collar bone.  The pit in your stomach that you get get when your kids are hurt is horrible, but she was such a trooper and did great with her little sling.  Life happens. :).         
SUMMER TIME...a favorite for the Williams.  This year was no exception as we camped out at home most of the Summer waiting for baby girl number 2 to arrive.  For the first time, we were able to plant a Garden in our yard.  We went waaay overboard and filled our small sight FULL of great things.  Here's a sample of ONE days harvest.  It was awesome.

The other pic is of the "investment" we made back in the Spring.  A 1972 Cherry Red Toyota Landcruiser.  was awesome.  Of course I pretended that I wasn't scared to death to have my baby girl strapped in the back of an open air vehicle....but other than that, it really was awesome.  We had some pretty awesome dates in that car...and my husband was able to have his dream car for a few months.  When I say a few months...yes, that's what I mean.  Being the amazing man that he is, Kory sold the car in the Fall to make up for my salary that we lost when I quit my job to stay home with our girls. A good man.

contemplating the finer things
 on top of a
rain boots and an
 inside out backwards tank top always a busy time for everyone.  This year we promised to paint our house- but got a new furnace  instead.  Wanted to do some updates inside- but fixed the car transmission instead.  Really wanted a vacation- and drove to Colorado.  Hazel was six weeks, which seems psycho, but was actually great.  She slept the whole way there and back...and pretty much the whole time.  We had a great time being 

in a place we love, and were rejuvinated by just taking in the beauty of Creation.  God is so creative.

Favorite family pic

nothing like flying on top of a mountain
Rain boots and Rice cakes...who wouldn't be ready for a road trip?
AND not always my favorite.  In fact, I am sitting here right now hoping my husband is coherant as he is STILL at work after 19 hours.  Yes, people, 19.  Kory works for a landscaping company and when it snows he is in charge of running all of the salt crews.  So next time you are annoyed at getting stuck behind a snow plow after a snow storm...think of my husband and the fact that many of these guys are out all night long just to make things safer for you. booya...sorry for the rant.  Anyway, so Kory is gone and I am blogging to take my mind off the fact that he is delerious.  On a funnier note, please view our trees (yes, plural) from Christmas this year.  And with that, I will close this post.  It was a good year.

This was "free tree" number one...
after a week in our house.

annnd, the tree we finished out the Season with.
Nothing like Christmas cheer at the Williams.

Monday, January 3, 2011

I don't even know what I'm doing...

Well, here I am world.  I have been anticipating this, looking forward to it, and dreading it all at the same time.  The thought of having my own blog has changed from "absolutely not" to "I probably should do this." The journey began as "absolutely not" mostly because I didn't want the world looking at my life...and I wasn't sure I really had much to share that mattered.  While most of that is still true, my thoughts have since changed to "I probably should do this" as I have followed friends lives through their blogs, enjoyed their life journey via the crazy technology of the internet, and realized that I am a Mom with two beautiful daughters and I am TERRIBLE at keeping their memories.  Thanks to my friend Jami (check out her blog- it will always be much more interesting than mine...and add much laughter to your life as you know it), I have been convicted that these moments are too short lived and are gone from our minds before we realize.
Sappy sappy I know, but it brings tears to my eyes to know that I am terrible at keeping pictures in an album, writing down words from their lips, and overall documenting their lives. When I found out that these blogs can be published into a book, this was the nail in the coffin.  The turning point from "H no" to "I must."
So...with a sigh, and maybe a little throwing up in my mouth....I am here. I don't know how to do this or how it works or how to have a cute page.  I am fearful I will have nothing to write ( can you have nothing to write when you live with a three year old??), or that I won't write it well...and maybe...just maybe there is a spiritual lesson here as I face the fear of exposing my life as "not so in control as I would wish it to appear".
But-now for the pep talk- it's important.  I have to remember the moments in this crazy journey.  I have to preserve them.  It's my duty as a mom and a wife to share with my kids and look back with my husband some day on all of the laughter, tears, joy, and adventure we lived together.
So, here we go.  Along with my other New years "hopes" (we'll call them hopes...not resolutions. For obvious reasons.) of baking more bread and reading more (yes, seriously)....I will now blog the Williams' family memories. Enjoy.
For the Williams!! (picture me holding up a big flag with a W....haha. Just kidding.)